Fall is one of my favorite times of year. Actually, I think any time the seasons first begin to to change is my favorite. It's like being reunited with a friend and getting reacquainted with all the things you've missed from the previous year. There is a park near my home with 14 miles of trails that is one of my favorite places to explore. Since I have a day off during the week, I often explore solo, drinking in the beauty of the trees, warmth of the sunshine, and the rhythm of worship music blasting through my headphones. While those I meet in passing on the trail see that I am alone, I never feel as though I am. These hikes are a time for me to pray, to think, to pass time rejoicing in my creator and allow him to speak the truth of who I am into my often thirsty soul. On this particular walk, I was struck by the beauty of fall. The crisp blue sky contrasted by the fiery blaze of red trees was magnified by the still, glassy lake that revealed its perfect reflection. The path was lined with golden trees that towered above my head casting an ethereal glow on each step I took. Each song brought me deeper into worship and lightened the burdens and cares I so often try to carry on my own. I found myself skipping or dancing a few times, and then laughing at myself because if I happened to run into other hikers, they would certainly think I was crazy. It was like that joy, that freedom was so overwhelming I couldn't contain it and all I could do was dance. I walked and walked, danced and walked, and loved every step of the journey.
I tried to capture my experience by taking pictures, but they always fell a little flat. You can't smell falling leaves, or feel the heat of exertion cooled by a crisp breeze or hear the light melody of music in a picture. These pictures will only give you a glimpse so you'll just have to go out and experience it all for yourself.
I think that I am almost ready to articulate what God has been teaching during my summer of international travel. I've tried it on a few times during conversations with people who ask about my trip. I also shared bits and pieces in writing on the blog we kept during our time in Guatemala. Until my thoughts and feelings are fully cooked, I am content to be present in this moment, this season, enjoying the wonder and beauty of His creation, the blessing of change and His presence in my everyday life.