A couple weeks ago I bid farewell to my 20’s and embraced
the joy and unknown of turning 30. It was a grand farewell, celebrated with
food, family, friends, and festivities of all kinds. I had a short day at work,
complete with amazing co-workers that made my day special with treats and over
the top decorations. There were flowers, balloons, and even a Frozen banner
strung across the ceiling so anyone who entered the office knew it was my
birthday. My family and friends threw an incredible Disney themed costume party
complete with Disney photo booth, Disney food, Disney Just Dance, Disney
trivia, Disney games, and of course Disney karaoke. It was amazing to have so
many people that I love in one place and friends from different seasons and
paths of my life mingling and enjoying each other’s company. And then there
were birthday dinners. Since my sister-in-law became a regular fixture at
birthday dinners we have adopted the practice of birthday reflection questions.
The questions are typically: what was a high for the year, what was a low for
the year, what is something you have learned, and what do you hope for the year
to come? This year, my dad added in a new question: if you could write a letter
to your 60-year-old self, what would it say? I an answer, but decided to expand
my reflection by writing the letter here.

Dear Michelle,
Happy 60th birthday! You look good J I
don’t know where you are or what you are doing for your birthday this year, but
I’ve written this letter to remind you of some things you learned in your
earlier life. Themes: learn from the past, live in the present, and long for
the future. I hope you enjoy this blast from the past and reflections from your
30-year-old self.

The past doesn’t define you but it certainly does shape you.
There are broken dreams and expectations, unexpected joys and successes, and
limitless lessons to be learned in all circumstances. When you turned 20, there
was a picture in your mind of what that decade would look like: marriage soon
after college, kids a few years after that, and at some point a small starter
house complete with library and window seat. The longer you went without a
boyfriend, the less likely you thought the dream would become a reality. Your
timeline, along with your expectations had to be shifted. God was steadfast and
tender thru the process, walking with you, encouraging you, and opening your
eyes to new opportunities and desires. He taught you to trust him, fully
surrender each day to him, and allow him to shower you with joy-filled experiences
such as becoming a PT, serving in Niger, and surrounding you with an incredible
community of people who dress in goofy costumes to celebrate you. How great is
our God! Your current life may not have turned out how you would have written;
maybe you have a wayward son, have lost your best friend, or have a body that
is failing you. Continue to trust that God’s story in your life is so much
richer than what you ever could have imagined! He has purpose in the heartbreak
and the joy.

Remember to live in the present. This past year, for your
30-year-old self, has been filled with many reminders that life is short. Each
moment that we are given is a gift. It is often difficult to stay present in
the moment and cherish the person in front of you, focus on the work at hand,
and be grateful for the time you’ve been given. The person in front of you may
not be there tomorrow so enjoy your time with them today, put down your phone,
turn off the TV (or whatever new technology is available by that time) and
truly be present with them. The work in front of you may be difficult or
boring, but don’t wish it away to get to something more interesting. God has
gifted you to do that work, glorify Him thru it. The moment you are living in
may be painful or scary. Don’t wish it away to get to a moment that is easier
or happier. Pray through it, offer it to God and allow Him to cover you with
His embrace. The most intimate moments I’ve had with God are not when things
are going well, but what I am crushed, heart sick, and broken. It may be easier
to escape from the pain with books, movies, or TV, but it is so much richer to
sit at the feet of our creator and pour your heart out to him. Live in that
moment, basking in His glorious presence and accepting the balm of His peace on
your weary soul.

Live with eternity in your heart, longing for the perfection
that is to come when we enter Heaven and the Holy presence of God. I know I am
often overwhelmed by the evil and brokenness in this world and the ugliness of
my own sin. As a Christ follower, shouldn’t I have mastered it (my sinful
flesh) by now? The theme God has given to me for 30 is grace. Living with the
hope of heaven allows me to forgive others, and myself, as Christ has forgiven
me. I know that these temporary weaknesses of the flesh will be gone when I am
given a new body and am finally, truly home. I know the end of the story,
Christ is victorious over evil and sin, so I need not dwell on it. I can live
in the freedom and grace He has freely given me, covering over my mistakes and
failures, which leads to a more fulfilled life here on earth. I can boldly
proclaim His victory so the world will know there is hope beyond the brokenness
that we see and experience.
I can
be love to a hurting world because Love lives in me, whispering the truth of
who I am to Him, beloved daughter, heir to the throne of righteousness. As you
enter your twilight years, live each moment with confidence that the best is
yet to come.
May 60 be the best year yet!
With love from the past,
Birthdays are a perfect opportunity to reflect on life so
far, enjoy the present moment, and look forward to the year ahead. I pray that
whether it is your birthday or just a random Thursday, you would take time to
reflect on your own journey and celebrate the blessing of today!
Love this! And love you!